
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Birthday, 2010

Today I turn 55 years old.  I have never felt middle aged, however, at 55 what else can one call it?  I tell people I am going to live until I am 104, so perhaps now I have reached the middle of my life.   What have I been doing until now:  spent an amazing childhood on a farm with TEN brothers and sisters, college, marriage, college, work, marriage, four amazing, wonderful children.  

The next 50 years - what will they bring?  Serenity, contentment, inner peace,   I am going to annoy crabby people and reverse their negative energy with my optimism.   I'm going to smile more, and worry less.

My first action will be to go back to bed and get the Elton John "It's 4:00 in the morning........." phrase out of my head.

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